
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

WIWW: What I Wrote Wednesday

Today's guest blogger is 7 year old me. This is what I wrote in my diary on December 27, 1986.

An exclusive look into my diary. Hee hee!

I love the sun! But that has nothing to do with I'm write. I lik when me and cupcakes play ball, play house, play dress up, and ressul. Cupcakes likes a cocaspanya But Cupcakes dosent know I'm writing this and who ever heard of a talking reading dog. Nobody so Let's not Bhodir Bother.

I'm impressed by my cursive!
That was the second entry in my diary. The first was written on Christmas but didn't give the best impression of my mother so I figured I'd skip that one.

I will, however, share my "diet food" recipe from the Christmas entry. It's actually still really yummy! (I'm rephrasing it so it's easier to understand.)
  1. Stick a candy cane into a lemon half so that the juice ends up on the candy cane. 
  2. Suck it and enjoy the seriously delicious explosion of sweet and sour!
Did you keep a diary when you were a child?

This post was inspired by Charlotte of Chartreuth's adorable entry, "My first blog." 

Thanks so much for reading this blog entry! I hope it was helpful. Wanna keep nerding out about creative green living? Let's stay connected: Newsletter // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Bloglovin' // YouTube
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  1. Oh my goodness! This is so precious! I love your candy cane recipe haha! Thanks for sharing and letting me know that you wrote this :) I love it!

  2. thanks! i had fun looking for this!

  3. This post made me smile so much! I have a few diaries from the past and I may have to do a post like this...if it's not too embarrassing. ;-) Your childhood recipe sounds wonderful! Love it!

  4. Do it Ketty! It's like time traveling. I was sort of surprised by how much my personality hasn't changed. Also, this was like the only unembarassing entry. I wasn't good about keeping a diary so I had it from age 7 to 13. Yikes!
