
Friday, October 18, 2013

DIY Lavender Sachet Hair Clip and Brooch

Lavender sachet brooch

A few days ago I got bored while waiting for my vegan lasagna leftovers to reheat. I very rarely get bored (there's always Instagram!) but I'm trying to get smarter about the time I spend on social media so that left the question: What fun thing can I do for 20 minutes? Pinterest!, my mind said. No!, I resisted. I decided I'd better make something with my ridiculously large stash of lavender.

A sachet seemed like the best idea given the time constraints. Basically, a sachet is a little pouch containing something with a fabulous scent or magical powers. I think lavender has a little bit of both, plus it's totally my accidental theme for this week!

Lavender sachet hair clip

Wanna make the same thing?

You'll need:
  • one sheet of paper & a pencil or marker
  • straight pins & a pair of scissors
  • two fabric scraps of different colors and textures (I used crafting felt and a synthetic sports fabric, but cotton would be another good choice.)
  • lavender flowers & lavender essential oil (Available at Mountain Rose Herbs)
  • thread & needle or sewing machine
  • random string of beads
  • colorful embroidery or crafting thread

Do this:
  1. Draw a shape that you like on the paper. Make it at least 1/4" bigger around than you'd like your sachet to be, unless you plan on having exposed edges like mine does). Cut it out to make a pattern/template.
  2. Sandwich together the two pieces of fabric. Face to face if you wanna reverse it. Butt to butt if you want exposed edges.
  3. Pin the pattern to the fabric sandwich. 
  4. Cut.
  5. Remove the pattern.
  6. Repin and sew together leaving a little opening.
  7. Use embroidery/craft thread and random beads to make a cute (optional) decoration on the sachet. It's probably easier to outline the template on the fabric with craft chalk and embroider/embellish on a larger piece of fabric before you cut or sew it. I just like to work in this order. You should do whatever works for you too.
  8. Mix together some lavender flowers (enough to fill your sachet) and few drops of lavender essential oils. 
  9. Make a funnel with paper to get the lavender into the opening.
  10. Sew closed with the machine (if doing exposed edges) or tuck edges in and sew closed by hand, if you're not.
Now that you've got yourself a sachet, the question is what to do with it. Since I've been fighting the blues, I figured I would make the sachet into something I could wear all day. A hair clip seemed perfect!

I stuck a large bobby pin through the back piece of fabric. Automatic hair clip. A duck clip would work too. If your fabric doesn't have holes or open weave, stitch a clip to it with embroidery thread.

If you wanna wear it as a brooch, stitch a large safety pin or a brooch pin onto the back.

Now when friends and co-workers ask, "What's that wonderful smell," you can say, "It's me!" And when they ask why you're in such a good mood, you can say, "It's my handmade brooch!"

Tip: Store this inside a drawer or your purse when you're not wearing it so it can serve double duty.

Thanks so much for reading this blog entry! I hope it was helpful. Wanna keep nerding out about creative green living? Let's stay connected: Newsletter // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Bloglovin' // YouTube
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  1. You couldn't get cuter or more creative. Or more informative! How are you Sunshine.

  2. <3 thanks Nic! I've been homesick, but I'm trying to make the best of my time here. Miss you! <3

  3. Awww girl, I'm sorry. Come visit for an afternoon. I'm in in Brooklyn. :)

  4. Oh that'd be nice! Glad to know you are in Brooklyn again.
