
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'm Gonna Wear The Same Thing Every Day

I'm talking about my engagement ring. My fiance and I picked it out together this weekend. It was super important for me to not have a ring that is made from new gold or diamonds for humanitarian and environmental reasons. Overwhelmed and unimpressed by the new jewelry made from recycled gold on the internet, we finally dropped into Reliable Gold here in Providence which sells antique and estate jewelry to see what they had.

I fell in love with this awesome ring with citrine gemstones, wee diamonds, and yellow gold. I was drawn to it- the color and the shape- and it felt perfectly light on my finger. I knew I would want to wear this for the rest of my life.

After a little research, I discovered citrine is a gem that improves energy flow into the solar plexus chakra. Healing Crystals for You reports that the solar plexus chakra is the area where responsibility for others, caring for others, personal honor and courage emerge. I think all those qualities are so important for being a good life partner. The energy of this chakra is about personal power and self esteem, manifestation, creativity and feeling centered. I'm psyched to have this on my finger!

Me, superhappy, wearing the ring, along with thrifted LOFT sweater and a bandage mini skirt.
I'm not gonna lie. When I imagined Richard popping the question, I imagined there'd be a ring involved. There wasn't and the proposal was still totally perfect and lovely the way only a spontaneous, 4:30am proposal can be. Now I have the perfect ring-  a ring I love and chose- to go with the perfect partner, who I also love and chose.

Did you pick out your engagement ring? What does it represent to you?

See what other bloggers are wearing, and share your style, at The Pleated Poppy:

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  1. That's a very nice writing and thoughts Olivia. I'm glad you spread the wave.

  2. Woo hoo...this is awesome!! Congratulations to you both and here's to a blessed and joyful union. Your ring is lovely.

    I picked my ring out and had it made and as far as I know it was made with conflict free materials.

  3. thanks Shon! that's awesome that you had your ring designed. you have such great style so I'm sure it's very hip!

  4. thanks Carolina! I love spreading the love!
