Happy Valentine's Day! Wishing you a day full of love!
If you're feeling like you could use a little extra love, stop and smell the flowers. Wildflowers might be hard to come by in the winter, but there are lots of equally lovely things in your life.
Here are three ways to experience more love. They are all free and don't require any extra time or a partner. They just require more awareness.
Allow yourself to fully enjoy things with all of your senses.
Love is sensual. Sensuality is experiencing your senses. How cozy and soft is your favorite sweater or scarf? What does chocolate feel like as it melts on your tongue? Enjoy the smell of herbs and the sight of vibrant colors in your dinner. My favorite sensual food experience is the way the texture of kale changes as I massage olive oil and lemon into it.
Look for things you can be grateful for.
Pay attention to those things today. A shift in perspective can bring about powerful experiences of abundance. Let yourself bask in the reality that you are cared for, loved, supported, and all that good stuff.
Show a stranger some love.
Look for opportunities to be loving, kind, and of service to someone else today. Offer your barista a compliment when you pick up your coffee. Hold the door for someone. Pick up a piece of trash. Whatever. When you open yourself to opportunities to love someone else, chances will pop up everywhere. You'll also find yourself getting some extra love too. It's magic like that.
How will you bring more love into your life?
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